"Easy reading is damn hard writing." -- Nathaniel Hawthorne
When you hire me for your copywriting projects, I'll hit the ground running. With no hand holding required.
Here's my process:
In our kickoff call, we'll discuss the details of your project, including the key performance indicators (KPIs) you use to track your marketing metrics.
If it's our first time working together, I'll ramp up fast—learning what I need to know about your company, your products and services, and the value you bring to the marketplace.
Next, I'll collect and analyze the data I need to meet your project goals (e.g. evaluate existing messaging; conduct competitive research; review relevant marketing metrics).
Most importantly, I'll get to know your customers. What are their toughest challenges? What excites and motivates them? What scares them? What's their role in the company? How much decision-making power do they have? And so on.
Armed with this vital data, I’ll develop a conversion-driven strategy for your project.
And then I'll write. And edit and hone and polish and perfect until I’ve crafted clear, compelling copy aimed directly at your target audience—with razor-sharp accuracy.